Sunday, March 9, 2008

Collection of thoughts

I haven't posted for a while, and to those of you who actually read this I'm sorry. Allot has been happening lately and I couldn't find the time to post.

Both my last two posts ended abruptly and I've had allot of time to think about them. If there's one thing I learnt from when Daniel was here it is to live every moment and express my movement through myself and visa versa. If you read my post "moving in our own way" you will know how I feel about expressive and "free" movement and I've come to realise that this is probably the most important thing in Parkour. If we learn to listen to our body and mind in movement then we improve in flow, timing and technique without really trying to (Max output with min effort). I have been trying to do this in my training. Take a catpass for example. If we just do the movement thinking about hand placement, foot placement, whatever then we will only get so far. However if you listen to your body, feel the movement and move instinctively to what comes before then you begin to realise how much you're improving.

We also need to learn to do this when we are trying new things. I don't mean that you attack your environment doing everything that comes to mind without thinking. Quite the opposite we need to analyse, assess our environment, but not too much. There comes a time when we just have to move. I don't want to dwell on this but I encourage you all to read

Anyway this form of flow and movement was something that I dont feel was expressed in Summer trainings. Dont get me wrong at the time I was trying to improve flow (no where near as much as I am now, but I was still trying to) But when I was filming I was
concentrating on the filming rather then my movement and haveing fun. There was one day where I was wanting to film about 70% of what actually came to be in the video (ended up being about 30%) Before I went out "training" and I say training like that cause at the end of the day the last thing I ended up doing was actually train. Anyway before I went out I had all these ideas in my head of what I wanted to do. I had been to the area a few times before but not for a long time. Now As many of you may know the way we see obstacles and movements in the area where thinking about in our head never turns out to be how they really are. That jump is always a little bit further away or that wall a little bit higher. I went to the area and found out that I could do only about 5% of the things that I was thinking.

Now if I was really training I would look on this as a good thing. Try and get a few things that I had in my head. but because I was focusing on trying to film everything this never happened. I never really trained and at the end of the day I went home angry with myself and felt that I didnt improve and that I never would.

This is something that I never want to experience again. Parkour should be fun. It dosent matter that you dont get that wall. Infact its a good thing! its something to improve on and something to focus on next time. But because I was so focused on getting film all of these thaughts were replaced with anger and disappointment.

Avoiding this experience might mean that I wont film. Or at least take a different approach to it but I guess im just going to have to figure that out for myself.

This entry was ment to be focused more on movement rather then film (cause I find movement much more important) but turned out to be the later. Anyway, ultimately I want you to, next time you train think about your movement and live the moment. Also if your reading this please comment, even if its just a "hi" I want to get a rough idea on who I'm talking to. Take care.

1 comment:

Widdos said...

good post rowan,

btw I'm pretty sure that post had a lot to do with me pressuring you to make that video lol... sorry, i didn't realize that because of that you had a crap training day.

well you had a good idea on the movement and not the filming...
