Monday, June 16, 2008

Harder, Faster, Stronger

Well, so much for once a week. In fact I haven't posted for quite some time. Apart from not really having time, I kind of thought once a week posts would be pointless and boring. So I've been a bit quiet but that doesn't mean I haven't been training hard!

Anyway, I feel my training is lacking structure, and I really want to improve my overall strength and speed, but I don't think I will be able to achieve this if I keep training the way I am. So in light of that, I've set myself some weekly training goals and drawn up a little conditioning session. I've also set myself some mid to long term goals (not only strength but technique and balance as well), these are:
  • Quick fast and effortless climb ups
  • One armed chin ups (at this stage one on each arm)
  • good double arm muscle ups
  • Improved handstands

I also aim to meet these goals in my training once week:

2km run (my long distance running is shocking, so I'm starting small) this includes both up hill and downhill)

And one day a week I aim to complete this conditioning session:



- dynamic stretches

Techniques Conditioning

- 40 lazy vaults (10 each side, each take off foot)
- 40 speed vaults (10 each side, each take off foot)
- 40 cat passes (20 each take off foot)

- 50 rolls (25 each side) (5 pulls ups & 5 dips )

- 100 precisions

- 40 arm jumps + climbup
- 40 turn vaults (20 each side)

- 600 m balance
- 150 m cat balance

Strength Conditioning

- quadrupedal walking down hill backwards
- quadrupedal walking up hill forwards
- quadrupedal walking down hill forwards
- quadrupedal walking up hill backwards
- quadrupedal walking down pushup style

Lower + Upper Body
- 20 dips
(up 3 down 2)
- 40 situps
- 20 pushups
left foot only (up 2 down 1)
- 20 leg raise sets
- 20 diamonds at bottom
(up 2 down 1)
- 20 crunches at top
- 20 double width pushups at bottom
-1min, 30sec wall sit


- static stretching


I'm not sure how I will go with both the running and conditioning session, whether I will find them easy or hard, however I will try it for two weeks and update accordingly. On top of that I will continue my day to day training, each day focusing on a different aspect of my training. However this is only during the week, on the weekends I aim to do as much Parkour as possible!

Apart from all of that training on a whole has been going great for me! I've had a few trips down to Sydney and I've conquered allot of mental and physical barriers. I'm sorry though I don't really have any photo or video footage but something will be coming in the near future. You may also notice a few changes to my blog. They will continue. unfortunately I seem to have lost my old layout so I will be doing some updating for a while until I get something I like.

Anyway this it for now, I hope all is well.

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